Monday 20 February 2012


Arrived at school, snowing and very cold, but nothing compared to the weather we were about to face. Berlin -6!!!!

We had no lessons and so we watched 'Goodbye Lenin', this film gave us an idea of how Berlin was divided and how sectional the Berlin wall was and how significant it was on the day of the fall of the wall.

After our film we drove by coach to Terminal 5 (British Airways), Heathrow to catch our flight to Berlin at 4pm. Waiting for our slightly delayed flight we were allowed to look at the shops and get some food to eat.

This marked the start of our trip.

We arrived in Berlin at 7pm, IT WAS VERY COLD!!, after retrieving all of our luggage we drove to our hotel, the Meininger hotel, this was a decent hotel with rooms of 4 people with an en-suite shower room.

The hotel was warm and very convenient for the train station which was right next door. This type of travel we used for the whole of our visit for only £35.00. The trains were VERY efficient.

After off loading our bags into our room we went to eat at a traditional Bavarian restaurant where we ate pork, potatoes and vegetatbles with desert of puree cherry and icecream.

We then went to bed about 11pm in order to wake up early (7.00am) the next day.

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